Role/ Environment Artist
Type / Mythical Steampunk ARPG Game Pre-production, 2023
Device/ PC
/ Group Project
with Huijie Bao, Caitlyn Lenhoff, Hagan Miller, Kayi Ng (Shirley), and Xuan Nie (Nelson)
Software/ Unreal 5, Maya, Quixel Bridge, Houdini, Photoshop
We are designing an action role-playing game that takes place in a steampunk setting that uses deities in an active role in the world. I'm responsible for all the 3D environment design and art, collaborating with other artists on deities design and items creation.
The major exploration levels take place in abandoned, overgrown steampunk land. Environment art focuses on creating overgrown, uninhabited environments in sacred spaces. Players must awaken deities, explore, fight, and master survival science in order to rescue their allied deity from the overgrown steampunk relic controlled by the natural catastrophe deity.